Well hi ... happy 2012 - I'm a little tired, so I'm reserving the mandatory exclamation point that usually accompanies this. Why am I tired you ask? Well that is because we are blessed with a 7-month old! I say 'blessed' and I truly mean it - maybe not all of the time (ha) but she is truly awesome ... Dustin and I have created quite the little lady! Very busy - very vocal and very focused! Our little Drea is pretty cool :) But that means a serious lack of sleep! I love caffeine. It is my saving grace - well, wait,
Dustin is my saving grace and caffeine is a close second. Oh shoot -
my parents are the close second and caffeine will take the 3rd row seat. Either way, it's in there :)
How did we ring in the New Year? We ordered Chinese food and attempted to watch a movie, but fell asleep by 8:30 - only to be obnoxiously woken up with fireworks (as if I couldn't look at the bright, red "1-2-0-0" on our clock to know it was midnight) ... and then Drea. I would actually say this was a pretty good New Year's - slumbering contently next to the one I love while the hum and static sounds of ocean waves are coming through the monitor to my ear! Not bad, not bad.
Some people state the reason they decided to start a blog - in their blog. In all honesty, I don't know why I'm writing. I just am. Maybe it's to stay in touch with people we've lost touch with (there are many) ... maybe it's boredom at work (shhh, don't tell anyone). Who knows. All I know is there is a certain freedom you attain while "journaling" and I get it. I'm sure there will be many-a-post that may come across as 'complaining' - don't worry - that's just how I sound sometimes :) I am sarcastic - Dustin is literal - together, we laugh at and with each other. Yep - we are the normal boring, loving, blissfully happy, newly-parented, home-owning, full-time working, baby-food making, sleepless couple you can find in any home, of any town. We are truly, living the dream!
Yes, our dream is modest - we live on a budget and I balance our checkbook to the penny. But we made a vow to each other, and although Dustin didn't directly say, "I will give you all receipts when I spend money" in his vows, I'm pretty sure it was implied when he said, "I do."
We love our home and since Dustin just re-painted the dining room, kitchen and upstairs bathroom this past weekend, it is that much more
exciting there now! Some more about us ... we have 2 cats - one loves Drea and the rolls his eyes when she's around. The "boys" have been around for almost 4 years now - but now they're back to being "cats." I don't think they mind this though.
We both work full time - him as a Business Analyst at Fairview Riverside and me as a Project Coordinator at KJ International. Looks good on paper, huh?! I'd say we're both happy there, but most importantly - it pays the bills! What does Drea do while we slave away all day?? She waits in the car. KIDDING. She is "livin her dream" at daycare! Rachel is fantastic - I wouldn't be sane (well ...) if it weren't for her! Drea has a couple of best friends there - Lincoln, Brooks & Stella (aww Tiffany) - and is greeted with at least one member of this entourage every morning. Rachel sends me updated text messages during the day and an occasional picture if Drea is too cute to pass up.
I really thought I wanted to stay at home with her once she was born. That was the plan anyway - we all know how our own "plans" work out, don't we?! Needless to say, I am too boring for Drea. Even at 4 weeks old, she was already looking at me like, "So ...
this is what we're going to do today??" She was messing with my ego, so I had to go back to work :) I commend all stay-at-home Mothers - you truly have the hardest job and deserve far more credit that you get!
Just in case you have any high expectations for the Lind's blog, think again. We already decided we're taking 2012 off. We have done something big every year since 2007 and we need a break.
2007: moved in together
2008: Dustin's motorcycle accident and our Engagement
2009: bought our house
2010: WEDDING!
2011: Drea is here!
nothing! we might mow our lawn this summer
There you have it. The 1st post on the 3rd day of the new year! Thanks for reading all of the way through - I wish I had something to give you. Maybe next time ...