Friday, March 23, 2012


I've always heard that things "don't happen overnight" - imagine my surprise when Drea started crawling - clapping - and giving hugs & kisses OVERNIGHT (well, it was a couple different "overnights")!!  We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into with her!  Her little personality just shines now that she is mobile and is learning different ways to express herself!
This is from Daycare earlier this week ... she's still "leanin" - which I secretly hope never changes!  I mean, can you imagine running into her when she's 30 and with the excitement of seeing you, she leans?!?!  Hahaha :)

She is definitely all over the place now ... we put up the baby gate and had to go through the house to see it from "her view" too.  This past week, she's been perfecting her ability to pull herself up on things - which has resulted in quite a few falls!  But, she's one tough cookie, so there haven't been too many tears!

She's figuring out her words too - these are some that she recognizes pretty well --

Daddy (Daddy-guy)
Uncle Buddy

Everyday is something more and more ... and we're managing to keep up!  She's venturing out with her foods too!  I've started adding a wee bit of seasoning to her terribly bland veggies and she's loving it!  Yeah, I think we've got this parenting-thing down.  Except for the sleep part.  Is anyone in need of job?  Hours are 9pm-5am - qualifications: be awake. 

Peace out for now ... I'm going to try to sneak a nap - or drink coffee, since those are technically the same thing when you think about it!

1 comment:

  1. Andrea - she is so cute! Isn't it fun when they can just follow you all around?! Such a great age : )
