Monday, February 27, 2012


Dustin & I are very serious people - we rarely smile and show emotion.  HA!  We are lucky enough to witness the beginning of Drea's personality - and she definitely takes after us.  At home, she's constantly talking, laughing, making noise, smiling or doing something to get our attention.  However, you'd never know this based on pictures of her.  It is so rare to get a "happy" picture of her, that I had to share these!

Lately, Drea has started playing to us - trying to make us laugh and get our attention.  We're not sure where this came from, but this is how she does it! 

She leans. 

If she's sitting, her head will touch the floor - if she's standing, she'll fold herself in half!  And of course, it is the cutest thing we've ever seen, so we laugh and smile!

This weekend, we visited Dustin, Maria, Soren & Maeta - the kids shared their toys with Drea and didn't mind her slobbering all over their stuff - well, Soren didn't mind - Maeta was not a huge fan of Drea drooling on her Princess stickers!  Drea loved all of the new toys and listening to the kids talk!  I don't have any pictures of this visit - but imagine a serious-looking baby with something in her mouth and that about sums it up :)

On Sunday, Jenna & her fiance, Nate came over to visit and have brunch.  Now, talk about kindred spirits - Drea absolutely loved Jenna!  She squawked to get her attention when Jenna wasn't looking directly at her, then she'd scream and howl when Jenna would look at her!  She wanted to play with - talk to - sit by - listen to ANYTHING, as long as it was with Jenna!  Talk about cute!!  Because of this, we were finally able to get her smile and playfulness on camera! I feel like introducing this the way National Geographic photographers introduce a rare species sighting. 

This is an actual smile!  Closed-lip is a style all her own ... love it!

And here, she's sharing her smile for me too :)  Love this face!

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